Thursday, May 28, 2009

Frank J. Hanna,III

Mr. Frank J. Hanna, III has contributed so much to the catholic schools in Atlanta, Georgia. He has given over twenty years of his life to helping children obtain a better education. He understand that a great education along with a better understanding of money is only the beginning to ending poverty.

Frank J. Hanna, III's life's accomplishments are prime examples of how abundantly your life can and will be by helping others to better themselves. Hanna has supported several organizations invested in philanthropic endeavors and involved himself deeply in the community. He has a keen knowledge of money and has written a book "What Your Money Means", it gives in- depth information about every aspect of money and life.

Most people only dream of the amount of money they would like to have, some wish to live life to its fullest potential everyday, but don't know how. Frank J. Hanna III's teachings brings these things together. His website Hanna Capital has a list of the organizations he supports articles written and many other things. You can also check out some of blogs regarding his achievements.

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